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Die vergessenen Menschen in Kenia

Bei den Parlamentswahlen 2007 in Kenia kam es zu blutigen Unruhen. Dabei wurden Volksgruppen mit Gewalt von ihren Grundstücken vertrieben, wie hier in der Nähe von Eldoret die Volksgruppe der Kikuju, die wir 2012 besucht haben. Sie leben bis heute in heruntergekommenen Zeltstädten und suchen nach Arbeit und vor allem nach Wasser, eine Aufgabe, der meist die Kinder nachkommen müssen. Manchmal finden sie dann wie auf dem Bild einen Drecktümpel. Zeit für die Schule bleibt den Kindern so gut wie nicht. Eine hoffnungslose Situation, die oft durch Drogen noch verschlimmert wird.
Nachdem sich weder Regierung noch sonstige Gruppen um diese Menschen kümmern, haben sich unsere Partner, die CWM Kenya, entschlossen, am 13.12.14 ein Memorandum zu verfassen und der Kenianischen Regierung zu überreichen. Die Regierung wird darin aufgefordert, diese Menschen wieder Land zurückzugeben und sie zu damit wieder in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren, insbesondere den Kindern Bildung zukommen zu lassen.
Wir haben das Memoradum im Originaltext im folgenden aufgeführt. Die CWM Kenya bittet um Solidarität für die Menschenrechte der IDP's in Kenia.

P.O BOX 61428-00200 NAIROBI-KENYA christianworkerskenya@gmail.com
1. The Minister for Interior and National Government Coordination
Office of the President
Harambee house
2. The Minister for Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs building
Harambee Avenue
3. The Chairman
Kenya Episcopal Conference
Waumini House
4. Organisations involved with the settlement of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
5. Leaders and Elders of the People
6. Peace lovers.
We, the Christian Workers send you best wishes and peace in this Christmas season.
The Christian Workers Movement is a movement of and within the universal Catholic Church formed to offer ethical and moral guidance and teaching on human work, decent work for all. The Church, guided by the divine will and
wisdom founded this movement in 1966 and has international headquarter in Brussels in Belgium. Has spread in five continents and Kenya is a member.
The movement's Chapter in Kenya is worried and deeply concerned about the lapse of security and the loss of many lives in violent circumstances reminiscent of war against our dear and wonderful country.
Apparently, this situation does not appear to subside since the Post Elections Violence (PEV) of 2007/2008 general elections.
We note with deep concern the following:
(i) Every violent attack against our people whether by Locally Organised Gangs LOG) or by foreign insurgents, leaves behind suffering and displaces many families thus creating homelessness, hopelessness and despair.
(ii) Arising from (i) above, many young people searching for survival and good life have turned to drugs, illicit brews and petty crime to pacify and fulfil themselves and this, threatens tranquillity, peace and development.
(iii) Education services in the affected areas has seriously been harboured and unless steps are taken to save the situation, the country is going to experience a serious disjointment this generation and the next.
(iv) National security intertwines itself with national health. In fact, we think any break down in health delivery arms is a direct injury to national security. Some of parts of this country have experienced absence of health services for long years and following the current spate of attacks at the Coast, North Eastern, Rift Valley and a few other places, health and medical service has completely been curtailed.
(v) The country has been given political assurances from time to time, but the situation does not appear to improve leaving us with serious doubts on the commitment of government to:
-Settle the internally displaced victims of Post Elections Violence (PEV) spanning seven years; and, addressing the loud and long cries of squatters since independence.
-Address adequately and with finality the insecurity question which is intend to tear this country apart.
-Reduce listening to itself in addressing the security question but involve elders and leaders of the people in order that they may assist in identifying and proposing disciplinary measures against the bad and misguided elements. Suffice to say that they are more competent in communities along our borders to vet all those seeking citizenship than the head quarters of the immigration department.
-To relook keenly at all those involved in security matters and confirm their commitment and patriotism because it is possible that the country could be fighting an enemy from within.
In conclusion
We support workers actions, demonstrations and strikes as enshrines in the constitution but also believe those who call for action should be able to control their actions so as not to infringe in others rights.
We commit ourselves to the charism of our movement, to be the conscience and voice of the working voiceless; but remind all those concerned that the very first commitment is to work for security, justice and good life of every citizen as humanity is the leading/first resource.
Signed at the CWM annual assembly at Ngong this 13th day of December 2014.
The national Chairman Tarcisio kithinji
The national Secretary Peter kungu
The national Treasurer Esther masila
The diocesan leader